McLean towingIf you own a car or other type of vehicle, it may be wise to rent out a tow truck. Even if you don’t use it all the time, a tow truck can be very handy when there are unexpected car problems. When you use one of these services, it is important to make sure that you know what you are getting yourself into. There are many different types of tow truck rentals available to clients across New York. It is important to ensure that you are working with a reputable company that has years of experience in tow truck operations.

  • Be Licensed

A Tow Truck Company License is usually required for any vehicle hauling heavy loads weighing more than twenty thousand pounds. If you tow heavy items in New York City, you must also have a Vessel Towing Licence. If you or your company purchase or sell used items other than cars in New York City, you must also have a Vessel Towing Liability Insurance. All tow truck companies need to carry this insurance in order to operate legally.

  • Know What You Need

There are basically two types of tow truck companies, one that offers their service to the public and one that maintains a fleet of trucks. There are advantages and disadvantages to both types of towing businesses. Public towing companies can work on a per-call basis or on a commission-based system. If you only use their service occasionally, it is probably better to pay for a professional towing service because you will not have to worry about extra charges for waiting or extra pickups when using a public company.

  • Have Clear Terms of Service

If you have an established vehicle-trading business, then a fleet towing company makes sense. When you rent a vehicle from a roadside assistance tow truck company, you are not paying just for the vehicle but also paying for the use of the vehicle, plus any damage that may have been done to your vehicle or another vehicle. If you only use the roadside assistance tow truck company occasionally, you may be able to save money by working out an agreement to pay for the use of the truck in advance. This way, you do not have to worry about any added costs, such as damages to the vehicle or the cost of damage deposit or towing. You can arrange this arrangement with the roadside assistance company on your own. However, it is usually a good idea to let a professional help you with this.

Parting Shot

Smaller vehicle-trading businesses tend to be more seasonal in nature, and so they do not require the services of a tow truck company on a regular basis. Business owners can choose to rent a truck on a once-off basis or arrange a regular contract with the company for the use of their vehicles. If you have more than one vehicle-trailer combination, then you may want to consider purchasing additional insurance protection for each of your combinations. For instance, if you have both a Honda minivan and a Nissan Quest, you may want to opt for theft or fire insurance protection. Again, this should be discussed with a reputable insurance broker in your area.

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